
 "Darby" was a bit of a hyperactive 8 year old living in the county in a town named Chilliwack.  A farming community mostly, he had moved here with his parents from a nearby town just last summer and he was preparing to enjoy the beginnings of spring in full bloom followed by summer adventures.  Of interest to some, it was also a year with a pandemic not seen in a hundred years, so information was all too consuming leading for the need to just play to forget some of the harsh realities of the year so far.  (And yes this mythical time but real place has references to videos and their links to be a cute way to share neat links to discover.) The first thing he tried was to draw and paint a bird.  carefully with tracing paper he managed to put down a reasonable facsimile, however when it came to mixing water colours and blending, the first try was not so graceful.  Round bin. But not to be deterred, Darby re-watched John Muir Laws video on Drawing birds.  After a an evening of dr
  In the middle of a pandemic, one looks to find a mindful escape and enjoy the sights around us for enjoyment .   This is an journey of a  right brain exercise inspired by John Muir Laws a Naturalist and and artist and educator.  I was turned on to him by my buddy Rick as a great example of art and I was not disappointed.  Just by perusing his educational videos, I quickly became excited about drawing again.  This as a means to exercise my right brain, become a better drawer and hopefully better painter of my carvings etc.  And just to add a little fun to this project, I thought I would stylize my writing journey through the eyes of a fictisious little boy named "Darby" in an old English turn of the century setting similar to Beatrix Potter.  Author of childrens books and a great Naturalist in her own right.   All the drawings are of real things here in my life, places and events just with a whimsical spin on it to keep it light.  Here goes . . . .